
Exhibition catalogue Ivan Hribar and the Bourgeoisie of Ljubljana is out

The home of Ljubljana’s revered mayor Ivan Hribar (1851-1941), the renovated Villa Zlatica in Rožna Dolina, today offers visitors a glimpse at the life of one of Ljubljana’s most popular mayors and in turn also an encounter with the housing culture of a Slovenian bourgeois family at the beginning of the 20th century.

Exhibition catalogue Ivan Hribar and the Bourgeoisie of Ljubljana is out Read More »

Paths, Ties, and Discoveries of Three Serbian Writers

The exhibition Paths, Ties, and Discoveries dedicated to three Serbian women writers Jelena Dimitrijević, Desanka Maksimović and Isidora Sekulić opened at the National Library of Serbia. Vladimir Pištalo, the director of the National Library of Serbia, Andreja Rihter, the president of the Women Writers Route Association, as well as Biljana Dojčinović and Mirjana Stanišić, the authors of the exhibition, spoke at the opening. The exhibition is open until 17 March 2023.

Paths, Ties, and Discoveries of Three Serbian Writers Read More »

Krleža at Villa Zlatica!

It was exactly one hundred years ago, in 1922, that Croatian novelist, playwright and poet Miroslav Krleža wrote the second part of his Glembay trilogy – In agony. The wounds of World War I had not yet healed and the old social orders were crumbling. A hundred years later we find ourselves in a similar predicament: fundamental social structures are changing irreversibly as age-old existential questions remain equally relevant.

Krleža at Villa Zlatica! Read More »

“The First Lady of Serbian Literature” at the Exhibtion in Novi Sad

An exhibition about the life and work of the Serbian writer and the first woman academician in Serbian literature – Isidora Sekulić, entitled “The First Lady of Serbian Literature”, was organized by the Novi Sad City Library as part of the international project Women Writers Route, a newly certified Cultural Route of the Council of Europe initiated by the FSK.

“The First Lady of Serbian Literature” at the Exhibtion in Novi Sad Read More »

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